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You have until Wednesday March 20, midnight to order

I’m Baaaack!!!!

After nearly a month of no computer and trying to figure out my new computer I have been able to access our blog. We did make it through Montana and into Wyoming. Depending upon how many people show up today we should be half way through SD.

Time to begin getting serious – spring sports begin Feb.25

Let’s set a goal to get through Montana by January 5. This post is open for comments.


We reached Spokane today. We have been averaging only about two or three guys per session. If you aren’t in a winter sport come out and help us. Tell your friends. The fitness portable has a new look.

Moses Lake

At the end of our first week of running acros the country we are about ten miles east of Moses Lake.  We should be well in to Idaho next week.

Tell your friends about our quest . Everyone is welcome no matter what sport.


We have racked up 146 miles so far on our journey across the nation. Presently after three days we are just past Ellensburg. Some people ran three miles today and some ran 8. Anyone at CHS is free to join us after school in the fitness portable.

We should know soon when and where our waterstops are for the marathon training group.

64 Miles Today

Today was our first day of winter conditioning and we covered 64 miles. Everyone there supported the idea that our goal should be to make it to the Atlantic. So far, after three attempts, over the past three winters, the best we have been able to do is Mass.

Bring a friend this is open to everyone.

Everyone one is invited to join us for condtioning Dec. 3, in the fitness portable. You are welcome to join us no matter what sport you plan to do in the sping, if any. We will again attempt to cross the country and keep track of our progress.

Our XC team will be recognized for their stellar season at the game tomorrow at half time. We will be called down to the track where all of the fall sports will be announced. This is for everyone JV and Varsity.